Wednesday, December 9, 2020

TED Health: You shouldn't have to choose between filling your prescriptions and paying bills | Kiah Williams

You shouldn't have to choose between filling your prescriptions and paying bills | Kiah Williams
TED Health

As prescription drug costs skyrocket in the US, thousands of people are forced to forgo lifesaving medications -- all while manufacturers and health care facilities systematically destroy perfectly good, surplus pills. Kiah Williams shares how SIRUM -- a nonprofit that delivers unused medications to families who need them most -- plans to drive down prescription prices by recycling almost a billion dollars' worth of medications in the next five years. (This ambitious plan is a part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

TED Talks Technology: The price of a "clean" internet | Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck

Had no idea the moderators were human.  Eeek.

The price of a "clean" internet | Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck
TED Talks Technology

Millions of images and videos are uploaded to the internet each day, yet we rarely see shocking and disturbing content in our social media feeds. Who's keeping the internet "clean" for us? In this eye-opening talk, documentarians Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck take us inside the shadowy world of online content moderators -- the people contracted by major platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google to rid the internet of toxic material. Learn more about the psychological impact of this kind of work -- and how "digital cleaning" influences what all of us see and think.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Fwd: TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing: The tale of the doctor who defied Death | Iseult Gillespie

Is it wise to cheat death?

The tale of the doctor who defied Death | Iseult Gillespie
TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

A husband and wife were in despair. The woman had just given birth to their 13th child, and the growing family was quickly running out of food and money. Wandering into the woods, the father encountered a skeletal figure with sunken eyes and a gaunt face: this was Death himself, come to offer his services as Godfather. Iseult Gillespie tells the tale of Death and the doctor. [Directed by Yael Reisfeld, narrated by Jack Cutmore-Scott, music by Jarrett Farkas].

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Fwd: TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing: Epic Engineering: Building the Brooklyn Bridge | Alex Gendler

Great story on perseverance.

Epic Engineering: Building the Brooklyn Bridge | Alex Gendler
TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

In the mid-19th century, suspension bridges were collapsing all across Europe. Their industrial cables frayed and snapped under the weight of their decks. So when German American engineer John Roebling proposed building the largest and most expensive suspension bridge ever conceived, New York City officials were understandably skeptical. Alex Gendler details the building of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. [Directed by Jeremiah Dickey, narrated by Addison Anderson].

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Fwd: TED Talks Technology: The incredible chemistry powering your smartphone | Cathy Mulzer

The incredible chemistry powering your smartphone | Cathy Mulzer
TED Talks Technology

Ever wondered how your smartphone works? Take a journey down to the atomic level with scientist Cathy Mulzer, who reveals how almost every component of our high-powered devices exists thanks to chemists -- and not the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that come to most people's minds. As she puts it: "Chemistry is the hero of electronic communications."

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

TED Talks Technology: Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu

Very cool science!

Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu
TED Talks Technology

In a story of scientific discovery, chemical biologist David R. Liu shares a breakthrough: his lab's development of base editors that can rewrite DNA. This crucial step in genome editing takes the promise of CRISPR to the next level: if CRISPR proteins are molecular scissors, programmed to cut specific DNA sequences, then base editors are pencils, capable of directly rewriting one DNA letter into another. Learn more about how these molecular machines work -- and their potential to treat or even cure genetic diseases.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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TED Talks Technology: How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation | Sinan Aral

Scary how powerful fake news is... but fake videos is coming next eeeekkk!!

How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation | Sinan Aral
TED Talks Technology

Fake news can sway elections, tank economies and sow discord in everyday life. Data scientist Sinan Aral demystifies how and why it spreads so quickly -- citing one of the largest studies on misinformation -- and identifies five strategies to help us unweave the tangled web between true and false.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

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Monday, July 27, 2020

LAST WEEK (14) Reflection Week

Week 14Reflection
1. Mission or ActivityREFLECTION Think about the variety of activities that we did. What did you like?
What other activities should we do next time?
What should I change?
Were you able to keep up to the exercises? Were they too hard or too easy?
2. ExerciseTry 20 Pushups, Situps, Burpees, Squats & Jumping Jacks this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, July 20, 2020

Week 13 - Choose Your Favourite Activity From the Past

Week 13Choice
1. Mission or ActivityChoose your Favourite Activity from the last 12 weeks. Or Choose another story to be read by a Park Dale Staff:

Visit: Twitter Feed: @parkdale73 or
What was your favourite activity for the last two weeks?
2. ExerciseTry 20 Pushups, 20 Situps, 10 Burpees, 15 Squats & 20 Jumping Jacks this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, July 13, 2020

Week 12 - Music Week

Week 12Music
1. Mission or ActivityMUSIC WEEK If you don't own any musical instruments, you can easily recreate the noises they make here:
While it may not be considered music it is fun to "JAM" with family members.
For an added level of fun. Play along with these drummers:
Did you enjoy Jaming?
2. ExerciseTry 15 Pushups, 15 Situps, 10 Burpees, 10 Squats & 15 Jumping Jacks this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, July 6, 2020

Week 11 - Sensory Check

Week 11Sensory Check
1. Mission or ActivityHow do you currently feel? Self Reflect on how tense you feel? Then lets Sensory Check In:
Start with 5 slow deep belly breaths. Then spot:
5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
Finish with 5 SLOW deep belly breaths.
How did you feel after the sensory check? Tell me in the Social Space, URL below.
2. ExerciseTry 15 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Burpees, 6 Squats & 10 Jumping Jacks this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social Space

Monday, June 29, 2020

Week 10 - Virtual Field Trip

Week 10Virtual Tours
1. Mission or ActivityVirtual Tours
Lets go on a Digital Tour.
There are many places in the world that are closed physically but open digitally.
Ever wanted to go to the Sistine Chapel?

Ontario Attractions:

Natural Wonders Around the World

Museums and Art Gallerys

For the Advanced individual:
You can download apps like Google Cardboard and Google Expeditions
These apps transform your smartphone into a VR headset.
You will need to fold the smartphone holder here:

This does take some time tinkering.
Other VR apps:
Where you able to go on a tour? What do you like better digital tours or in person?
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Burpees, & 4 Squats this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 9 - Messy Play

Week 9Mission Making a Mess
1. Mission or ActivityLet's make a Mess this Week.
NOTE: It would be wise to discuss with your child the ground rules prior to starting. Tell your child they must help you from START to FINISH. From making it to cleaning it all up. Talk about the only places they are allowed to play with it.

Easy No Cream of Tartar Recipe.
1 cup of flour.
1/4 cup of salt.
3/4 cup of water.
3 tablespoons of lemon juice.
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Food coloring.
Any seasonings or scents you would like.
You can Google your own too.

Now create, objects, play, toy, explore the feeling of the material.
Please use playdoh or putty if you have any.
Take a picture and post in our Social Space.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 6 Burpees & 2 Squats this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 15, 2020

Crazy WEEK 8

Week 8Crazy 8's
1. Mission or ActivityThey don't call it CRAZY 8's for nothing.
Go to this video of me reading Mr. Tickle by Roger Hargreaves
Mute Video
Go to the Gear and set the Speed to the slowest speed.
Read the Book to your child
When you read the word Tickle. Tickle your child.
I have added page number urls in the description of the YouTube Video for easy navigating of pages.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps & 4 Burpees this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 8, 2020

Week 7 - SCREEN Detox-Game

1. Mission or ActivityScreen Detox Game. With your WHOLE family.
As a whole family play this game:
1st Set the Winnings.
Figure out what each of you want if you win.
Eg. A special, food or treat. The whole family watching a favourite movie. A chore you want your family to do if they lose. NO school work for a day, because Mr. Kirby said so...
2. Set the rules.
I would suggest that all devices are in one central location and shut off. As bings and bleeps make it more challenging.
Work does count as losing as IT IS SUNDAY NO WORK!!
3. Start the timer. See how long you last.

When you lose share it in our social space URL.

I think you should have a routine of Non-Free Time screen time in the Morning.
Social Post the WINNERS time.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 6 Situps & 2 Burpees this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceOur Loser arena. Where we go to share stories and tears of how we lost the game. How hard was this for you? SHARE here

Monday, June 1, 2020

Week Six - Exercise

Week 6Exercise Day
1. Mission or ActivityExercise Playlist

How did you do? .

SUNDAY is Screen DETOX GAME day.
As a whole family play this game:
1st Set the Winnings.
Figure out what each of you want if you win.
Eg. A special, food or treat. The whole family watching a favourite movie. A chore you want your family to do if they lose. NO school work for a day, because Mr. Kirby said so...
2. Set the rules.
I would suggest that all devices are in one central location and shut off. As bings and bleeps make it more challenging.
Work does count as losing as IT IS SUNDAY NO WORK!!
Set the guidelines and set the start time. 5am in the morning. Good Luck!
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups and 4 Situps this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 5 - ART

Week 5Art
1. Mission or ActivityArt
Today Draw Self portraits.
Grab a book and blank paper and trace different characters in different books to create your own picture then Colour it after.
Get a single or multiple screens and play Google quick Draw:
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups and 2 Situps this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, May 18, 2020

Week 4 - YOGA

Week 4Yoga
1. Mission or ActivityThis week we are going to do some Yoga.
Choose your adventure based on your children.

If you have active children that need more entertaining Yoga click here for Cosmic Yoga:

If your children can handle more relaxing Yoga, here is a LOCAL Yoga channel. They have previously recorded videos and if you time it correctly you could do it live with them. Facebook required.

If you would like just a regular Yoga activity geared to children here is my class Yoga Playlist.
Here is My Yoga Playlist for Kids:

Did your child enjoy this?
2. ExerciseTry 6 Pushups this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, May 11, 2020


Week 3Dance
1. Mission or ActivityDance Party!

Draw the curtains, pump the music and DANCE PARTY
Play your favourite songs or
I have a playlist you can stream to your screen of choice here:
Did you Enjoy the dance party? What was your favourite move? Share in the social space below.
2. ExerciseTry 4 Pushups this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 2

Week 2Peace
1. Mission or ActivityWith everyone in isolation and with so many distractions around, we need some peace.

Try ONE of the following PEACEFUL activities. We humans have souls and therefore are spiritual by nature. We are all on a spectrum for our spirituality. Try One of these Spiritual activities (Duration 5-10min)
REFLECT How are you doing right now? Prior to this activity.
- Belly Breathing
Kids song Version:

- Meditation


Find a Space
and Lay down,
close your eyes

Find Peace in what ever calm, spiritual activity you choose. Reflect when finished.
Did you enjoy the activity?
2. ExerciseTry 3 Pushups this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 1

Week 1Read-A-Loud
1. Mission or ActivityHave a Park Dale Teacher Read a book to you.
There are a large variety of stories. Enjoy.

Visit: Twitter Feed: @parkdale73 or
Did you have a favourite story? What did you like about the story?
2. ExerciseTry doing 2 Pushups this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social Space

Do NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Introduction Post

Hello Parents and Students,

I hope this finds you well. 
For the next 14 WEEKS I hope to keep you entertained with these fun, VOLUNTARY activities.  
My focus is Health and Well Being.   
Please do not place any stress on yourself to try or complete these activities.    

Once a WEEK Expect:
1. An Activity
2. A Exercise for the Week. (Once, Twice or DAILY)
3. A Digital Space for those who need connection, have questions, desire to post pictures, notes, messages and comments  Being a teacher is being at the forefront of the pursuit of knowledge.  It is hard to turn off the switch of teaching.  I enjoy teaching and I hope to share that passion in the digital sphere. 

Take Care,
Mr. Kirby