Friday, October 29, 2021

TED Health: How to manage your stress like an ER doctor | Darria Long

How to manage your stress like an ER doctor | Darria Long
TED Health

How do doctors in the emergency room stay calm and focused amidst the chaos? Drawing on years of experience, ER doctor Darria Long shares a straightforward framework to help you take back control and feel less overwhelmed when life starts to get "crazy busy."

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TED Health: The power of venom -- and how it could one day save your life | Mandë Holford

The power of venom -- and how it could one day save your life | Mandë Holford
TED Health

Venom can kill ... or it can cure. From killer sea snails to platypuses and slow lorises, marine chemical biologist Mandë Holford shares her research into animal venom and explores its potential to one day treat human diseases like cancer. Although the mechanism behind this powerful substance is still mysterious, someday, Holford says, "snail venom might just save your life."

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Friday, April 23, 2021

Ugly tadpole face DNA can be changed into normal frog face

The electrical blueprints that orchestrate life | Michael Levin
TED Talks Science and Medicine

DNA isn't the only builder in the biological world -- there's also a mysterious bioelectric layer directing cells to work together to grow organs, systems and bodies, says biologist Michael Levin. Sharing unforgettable and groundbreaking footage of two-headed worms, he introduces us to xenobots -- the world's first living robots, created in his lab by cracking the electrical code of cells -- and discusses what this discovery may mean for the future of medicine, the environment and even life itself. (This conversation, hosted by TED's Chris Anderson, was recorded June 2020.)

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