Sunday, October 25, 2020

TED Talks Technology: Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu

Very cool science!

Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu
TED Talks Technology

In a story of scientific discovery, chemical biologist David R. Liu shares a breakthrough: his lab's development of base editors that can rewrite DNA. This crucial step in genome editing takes the promise of CRISPR to the next level: if CRISPR proteins are molecular scissors, programmed to cut specific DNA sequences, then base editors are pencils, capable of directly rewriting one DNA letter into another. Learn more about how these molecular machines work -- and their potential to treat or even cure genetic diseases.

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TED Talks Technology: How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation | Sinan Aral

Scary how powerful fake news is... but fake videos is coming next eeeekkk!!

How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation | Sinan Aral
TED Talks Technology

Fake news can sway elections, tank economies and sow discord in everyday life. Data scientist Sinan Aral demystifies how and why it spreads so quickly -- citing one of the largest studies on misinformation -- and identifies five strategies to help us unweave the tangled web between true and false.

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