Monday, June 29, 2020

Week 10 - Virtual Field Trip

Week 10Virtual Tours
1. Mission or ActivityVirtual Tours
Lets go on a Digital Tour.
There are many places in the world that are closed physically but open digitally.
Ever wanted to go to the Sistine Chapel?

Ontario Attractions:

Natural Wonders Around the World

Museums and Art Gallerys

For the Advanced individual:
You can download apps like Google Cardboard and Google Expeditions
These apps transform your smartphone into a VR headset.
You will need to fold the smartphone holder here:

This does take some time tinkering.
Other VR apps:
Where you able to go on a tour? What do you like better digital tours or in person?
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Burpees, & 4 Squats this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 9 - Messy Play

Week 9Mission Making a Mess
1. Mission or ActivityLet's make a Mess this Week.
NOTE: It would be wise to discuss with your child the ground rules prior to starting. Tell your child they must help you from START to FINISH. From making it to cleaning it all up. Talk about the only places they are allowed to play with it.

Easy No Cream of Tartar Recipe.
1 cup of flour.
1/4 cup of salt.
3/4 cup of water.
3 tablespoons of lemon juice.
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Food coloring.
Any seasonings or scents you would like.
You can Google your own too.

Now create, objects, play, toy, explore the feeling of the material.
Please use playdoh or putty if you have any.
Take a picture and post in our Social Space.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 6 Burpees & 2 Squats this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 15, 2020

Crazy WEEK 8

Week 8Crazy 8's
1. Mission or ActivityThey don't call it CRAZY 8's for nothing.
Go to this video of me reading Mr. Tickle by Roger Hargreaves
Mute Video
Go to the Gear and set the Speed to the slowest speed.
Read the Book to your child
When you read the word Tickle. Tickle your child.
I have added page number urls in the description of the YouTube Video for easy navigating of pages.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 10 Situps & 4 Burpees this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)

Monday, June 8, 2020

Week 7 - SCREEN Detox-Game

1. Mission or ActivityScreen Detox Game. With your WHOLE family.
As a whole family play this game:
1st Set the Winnings.
Figure out what each of you want if you win.
Eg. A special, food or treat. The whole family watching a favourite movie. A chore you want your family to do if they lose. NO school work for a day, because Mr. Kirby said so...
2. Set the rules.
I would suggest that all devices are in one central location and shut off. As bings and bleeps make it more challenging.
Work does count as losing as IT IS SUNDAY NO WORK!!
3. Start the timer. See how long you last.

When you lose share it in our social space URL.

I think you should have a routine of Non-Free Time screen time in the Morning.
Social Post the WINNERS time.
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups, 6 Situps & 2 Burpees this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceOur Loser arena. Where we go to share stories and tears of how we lost the game. How hard was this for you? SHARE here

Monday, June 1, 2020

Week Six - Exercise

Week 6Exercise Day
1. Mission or ActivityExercise Playlist

How did you do? .

SUNDAY is Screen DETOX GAME day.
As a whole family play this game:
1st Set the Winnings.
Figure out what each of you want if you win.
Eg. A special, food or treat. The whole family watching a favourite movie. A chore you want your family to do if they lose. NO school work for a day, because Mr. Kirby said so...
2. Set the rules.
I would suggest that all devices are in one central location and shut off. As bings and bleeps make it more challenging.
Work does count as losing as IT IS SUNDAY NO WORK!!
Set the guidelines and set the start time. 5am in the morning. Good Luck!
2. ExerciseTry 10 Pushups and 4 Situps this week. (Once, Twice or DAILY!!)
3. Social SpaceDo NOT feel like you must, but because we are social learners by nature and if you are in need of that digital social connection, click on the URL to write notes & draw pictures about this weeks activities. (good? bad? or even the funny!)