Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top ten tips for tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- David Pogue- 10 top time-saving tech tips - David Pogue (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/kU_AT-86XH0/DavidPogue_2013U.mp4

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Wirecutter Product Review Website

To help make those purchasing experiences more informed!


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Growth is innovative tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Robert Gordon- The death of innovation, the end of growth - Robert J. Gordon (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/QFjIRRlMVHc/RobertGordon_2013.mp4

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Growth is innovative tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Robert Gordon- The death of innovation, the end of growth - Robert J. Gordon (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/QFjIRRlMVHc/RobertGordon_2013.mp4

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Growth is innovative tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Robert Gordon- The death of innovation, the end of growth - Robert J. Gordon (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/QFjIRRlMVHc/RobertGordon_2013.mp4

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Growth is innovative tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Robert Gordon- The death of innovation, the end of growth - Robert J. Gordon (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/QFjIRRlMVHc/RobertGordon_2013.mp4

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Unreal, true duck story

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Kees Moeliker- How a dead duck changed my life - Kees Moeliker (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/jwcacgmQOlM/KeesMoeliker_2013.mp4

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Motivation in work! What to do and not todo

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Dan Ariely- What makes us feel good about our work? - Dan Ariely (2012)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/N1TRT9ndrEU/DanAriely_2012X.mp4

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Texting is fingered talking

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- John McWhorter- Txtng is killing language. JK!!! - John McWhorter (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/J2JjbcyBkAo/JohnMcWhorter_2013.mp4

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Nano scale self building

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Skylar Tibbits- The emergence of "4D printing" - Skylar Tibbits (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/WJ8t8htXZQM/SkylarTibbits_2013U.mp4

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Nano tech

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Mark Shaw- One very dry demo - Mark Shaw (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/c4maDaxSrd4/MarkShaw_2013.mp4

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Open Smart material

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Catarina Mota- Play with smart materials - Catarina Mota (2012)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/Li0-33oHkLw/CatarinaMota_2012G.mp4

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Tesla electric car thinking behind car

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Elon Musk- The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ... - Elon Musk (2013)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/BNEhLMOMkkQ/ElonMusk_2013.mp4

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Speeding up drug approvalvprocess

Check out this podcast...TEDTalks (video)

Specifically episode TED- Francis Collins- We need better drugs -- now - Francis Collins (2012)

Play: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~5/r90YRVNdHlM/FrancisCollins_2012P.mp4

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